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《刺客信条3》恶搞MV中文字幕版释出 让你捧腹爆笑

文章来源:互联网 作者:肉团资源网 发布时间:2025-01-30 06:09:23







How many fools can I kill today? Too many to count, don't get in my way I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow Tomahawk chop is my death blow

Freedom fightin' machine, big-ass hatchet in hand Why'd you have to kill my bros? I'm-a slash your face, man I'm a very skilled assassin killin' dudes in ones and twos Blood flowin' like a river, need a box of tissues

When I'm huntin', I be stuntin', you can never find me In the bushes, in the hay stacks, in your mother's laundry Watch me comin', free runnin', up the walls like a boss What you lookin' at, bitch? Taste my tomahawk chop!

How many fools can I kill today? Too many to count, don't get in my way I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow Tomahawk chop is my death blow

From Boston to NY, always up to no good Don't know how I can see out this big-ass hood Walkin' through the crowds touchin' you on the back Using my hidden blade for a secret attack

Jumpin' off of giant buildings like I was a super man Use your momma as a meat shield every time that I can Take a break from the war to hunt for some meat What? A man's gotta eat...

How many fools can I kill today? Too many to count, don't get in my way I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow Tomahawk chop is my death blow

Up first in the verse feel the clack of wooden teeth Bread and butter, lift the covers and you'll find the fu**in' heat Revolution I lead, with the world I got beef I dig my wigs powdered, wear boxers- I don't wear briefs

You can't step up to me and my gang Horse and carriage, drive bys, bullet in the chamb' Ridin' over your clique like the Delaware, son I'll get my face on that dollar after this sh*t's done

How many fools can I kill today? Too many to count, don't get in my way I shoot those mofos in the face with my bow Tomahawk chop is my death blow    更多内容请访问刺客信条3专区

《刺客信条3》繁体中文版11月上市 最新截图流出



       Ubisoft表示,《刺客信条3》将首次呈现PS3、Xbox 360、PC三平台官方繁体中文版给过去长期支持本系列、或由于语言因素还尚未接触过的中文地区玩家,并由负责香港、台湾、新加坡地区的Ubisoft SEA团队亲自监制,与台湾在地专业的游戏翻译团队与主导游戏开发的 Ubisoft蒙特利尔工作室密切合作,进行庞大的中文化工程,通过近50万字内容完整中文化,届时将让玩家不再有语言隔阂的尽情享受游戏所带来的庞大史诗情节。

       《刺客信条3》PS3中文版与Xbox360中文版预定11月20日上市、PC中文版预定11月22日上市。三平台中文版全面加赠3个额外单人游戏任务及4个物件组合包特典内容。           《刺客信条3》繁体中文截图:



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